Ekologicky na trase

Power of Innovation, Power of Cooperation a Power of Fascination jsou hnacími prvky a tajemstvím úspěchu společnosti Progroup. V oblasti logistiky připadá obzvláštní role Power of Cooperation. Spolupráce společnosti Progroup s jejími zákazníky je pro úspěch rozhodující: Bez úzké kooperace není žádný model výrobního parku obalových materiálů úspěšný.
Obaly jsou systémově relevantní, protože jsou ve farmaceutickém a potravinářském průmyslu nepostradatelné. Pro dodávky suroviny pro obaly, tedy vlnité lepenky, výrobcům obalů v souladu s termínem, je zapotřebí promyšlené logistické plánování.
Platí, že přepravu lze řídit inteligentně a ekologicky. Takzvané výrobní parky obalových materiálů společnosti Progroup, vznikající v kooperaci se zákazníky, přispívají k tomuto účelu rozhodujícím způsobem. Je zapotřebí méně přeprav nákladním vozidlem, a tím sníženy emise CO2.
Společnost Progroup disponuje třemi obchodními modely. Klasický model, model výrobního parku obalových materiálů I a model výrobního parku obalových materiálů II. Modely výrobního parku obalových materiálů představují přitom nejužší formu spolupráce se zákazníky a jsou podařeným příkladem pro „Power of Cooperation“. Společnost Progroup je přesvědčená o tom, že výrobní park obalových materiálů ve všech svých parametrech určuje spolupráci stále větší měrou.
Progroup Logistics safeguards a large proportion of the logistics services for the whole Group and its supply chain partners with its own fleet and support from long-standing cooperation with established transport partners. The company is 95% occupied with intralogistics. Incoming consigments are generally recovered papers and new papers; outgoing consigments are corrugated board and containerboard as well as orders for board customers. In addition, in what is known as positioning transport services (FTL – full truck loads) are also provided for external customers.
Our logistics team offers you an electronic tracking and tracing system of the very latest generation. Online systems provide you with information about loading and unloading times, through to our premium service for freight cargos that are transported as a priority.
The Progroup fleet of 60 tractor units of its own is equipped with the very latest telematics, driver assistance systems and other safety features and the latest emissions standard. Replacement of the entire fleet after 36 months for each vehicle ensures that the latest standards are complied with.
The light but stable design of the megatrailers permits payloads of 26.5 t and a loading area of up to 14.90 m.
FleetBoard support makes it easier for the driver to drive economically by providing tips. FleetBoard also serves simultaneously as the link of the transport management team at head office to the driver. Route planning and monitoring, navigation and the whole order management are safeguarded via the built-in telematics solution.
The fleet of partner companies is also assembled to meet the same standards that Progroup Logistics sets with its own fleet.
Overview of the advantages:
We are constantly looking for transport partners to deliver oneway consignments from the various sites of Progroup Board and Progroup Paper. The requirements for Progroup Paper are standard trailers or megatrailers, each with a minimum payload of 25 to. If you want to work for Progroup Board, the fleet should be equipped with megatrailers or semi-trailer units with an inside height of at least 3.00 m and a payload of at least 12 to.
We are also looking for transport partners to work on behalf of Progroup Logistics GmbH. The fleet should comprise megatrailers with a payload of at least 25 to. We will make arrangements for your vehicles to work permanently within our network. In addition, we can also offer complete loads to the various Progroup Board and Progroup Paper plants.
Whatever assignments you wish to take on, Progroup Logistics has the highest standards in terms of the environment, safety and vehicle technology. Learn more and get in contact with us.
We have put together for you the answers to the most frequently asked questions about a wide range of different topics relating to paper production and safe use with foodstuffs. If your concern or question has not been addressed, we ask you to get in touch with us.
Depending on the loading date which is agreed with the scheduling department, it is possible to load at any plant non-stop from Monday 6.00 am to Saturday 6.00 am.
We do not use Transporeon for daily order placement. You are welcome to register your company data in our database. We will send the contact person you have named spot enquiries in daily business and/or the access link for our tenders. We will query your Transporeon number in the database. This is used for tracking via Sixfold.
We operate a haulage database where companies interested in working with us can register. Once you have successfully registered your company, we will send you the access link to freight tenders that match your details on our database
You may of course also apply to Progroup to work as a driver. For more details, please also have a look at the information in our careers section.
You can apply to Progroup at any time to work as a transport partner if you meet the necessary requirements. For more details, please also have a look at the information under Transport partners.
Next Board® corrugated boards weigh less and are thinner, which means that 16% more m² can be transported on each truck. However, each truck load is heavier overall due to the additional quantity. As more corrugated board can be transported on each truck, fewer trips are required overall to transport the same amount of corrugated board. 1 in 7 truck journeys can be saved. You can find more information about this under Next Generation Products.