Progroup Information zur aktuellen COVID-19 Situation

Landau, 25. März 2020

The spread of the corona virus is changing our everyday life in a previously unknown way. This presents us all with new challenges that we must face together. This is why we, as a manufacturer of paper and corrugated board,  support the measures taken by governments. After all, the protection of our fellow human beings who are most threatened by the corona virus must have top priority.


Against this background, we too have taken numerous measures, all of which have the same goal: While observing the safety precautions, we and our employees will do everything in our power to continue to produce.


Because without the paper and packaging industry, of which we are also a part, this would not be possible. The supply chains with essential goods such as medicines, food and medical equipment would collapse and would not reach the citizens.


To this end, we have made contact with the highest bodies and politicians. In addition to the EU Commission, numerous associations have also pointed out the systemic importance of sectors such as ours for maintaining the urgently needed supply chains.


Internally throughout Progroup we have seconded a large part of our employees from the group office to their home offices. In this way, we ensure that our customers can reach their contact person and that we can maintain the necessary distance between people to combat the virus disease.


In addition, we have taken numerous precautionary measures at all locations and have massively tightened up hygiene regulations. We have completely cancelled visits, and we monitor the temperature of drivers during the urgently needed delivery traffic of our plants (and in any case we only allow access if it is expressly confirmed that there has been no contact with infected persons).


We wish you good health and stamina for the next weeks.

Your Progroup team
