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Topping out ceremony for new paper factory in sandersdorf-brehna

Sandersdorf-Brehna/Landau, 22. August 2019

Following a construction period of only seven months, Progroup AG celebrated a topping out ceremony for its new, state of the art paper factory in Saxony-Anhalt together with around 400 guests from politics, administration, the trades and industry.

The heart of the new factory is one of the most modern and high performance paper machines in the world for the manufacture of environmentally-friendly and high quality containerboards. The plant will have an annual capacity of 750,000 tons. The company is thus increasing its production of containerboard from 1.1 million tons to around 1.85 million tons annually.

As the manufacturer of containerboard and corrugated board in Europe showing the fastest organic growth, Progroup is clearly committed to Germany as a business location. Investments totalling 465 million euros make the project the currently largest investment project in Saxony-Anhalt. While employment is in some cases stagnating in other regions of Germany, around 150 direct and up to 350 indirect jobs with a high future potential are being created at this new location.

“As a family-operated company, it is part of our philosophy to think and act long term and sustainably, and thus to assume responsibility. This basic understanding is of decisive importance for investment of this magnitude. On the whole, we are investing around 500 million euros in a plant that should still be producing in keeping with the times in 50 years. As a technology leader, we are committed to preserving resources and environmental protection. As a company, we also offer secure jobs with good career perspectives. This is because we assume a great deal of responsibility for society, our employees, our children and our environment”, emphasises Jürgen Heindl, CEO and founder of Progroup.

In the context of the Green Hightech strategy that Progroup has consistently followed since its founding, the new factory sets the highest, forward-looking standards in the paper industry when it comes to environmental protection, energy efficiency and sustainability. Already, the base material for paper production consists of 100 percent recovered paper, and the subsequent end product, corrugated board, can be completely recycled.

“We are especially proud of our integrated circulation water treatment plant, which reduces the use of fresh water by 80 percent. The major investments in an innovative and technologically unique overall concept have thus definitely paid off”, emphasises Maximilian Heindl, responsible on the board as Chief Development Officer for the realisation of growth projects, among other things.

Hochmoderne Arbeitsplätze und gute berufliche Perspektiven

Progroup is thus setting a clear example in times of climate change. The savings of around 3,750,000 cubic metres of fresh water annually correspond to the annual water consumption of around 81,500 people in Germany[1]. The internal plant treats the water used and returns it to the closed circulation system of paper production. The biogas generated there is then used in production as a source of energy and thus supports the sustainable use of energy. On the whole, the company reduces its CO2 emissions by around 170,000 tons annually through the consistent use of environmentally-friendly production processes. This corresponds to the annual CO2 emissions caused by around 19,150 inhabitants of Germany[2].

The Minister of Economic Affairs of Saxony-Anhalt, Prof. Armin Willingmann pointed out the importance of the investment for the federal state: “The investment of hundreds of millions on the part of Progroup is among the largest investment projects in Saxony-Anhalt since Germany’s reunification. It has once again been shown that our state has in recent years successfully developed into an attractive, highly modern industrial region at the centre of Europe.”

Andy Grabner, Mayor of the Municipality of Sandersdorf-Brehna, added: “The settlement of the paper factory is a great success, not only for Sandersdorf-Brehna, but for the entire region. With Progroup, we have been able to win an innovative and internationally active company for our economic region, which already involved many local companies during construction, and will later create many direct and indirect jobs and training placements in the region.”

In the subsequent topping out address, all of the builders involved were thanked for their work and all the best for the continuing building progress was hoped for. Since the commencement of construction, 2,800 tons of steel have been installed on the 453,000 square meters of grounds in Sandersdorf-Brehna, and around 40,000 cubic metres of in-situ concrete poured. The factory will commence production in August 2020. The new paper machine is being provided by the globally active manufacturer Voith Paper.

[1] https://www.bdew.de/media/documents/PI_20190417_Entwicklung_personenbezogener_Wassergebrauch_ab_1990.pdf

[2] https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/167877/umfrage/co-emissionen-nach-laendern-je-einwohner/

About Progroup

Progroup AG, based in Landau, Germany, is one of the leading manufacturers of containerboard and corrugated board in Europe. Since it was founded in 1991 in Offenbach/Queich, the company has been pursuing a consistent growth strategy which, in addition to technological leadership, is also based on the use of innovative and environmentally friendly production technologies. Progroup operates production sites in six countries in Central Europe. These currently include three paper mills, thirteen corrugated sheetfeeder plants, a logistics company and awaste-to-energy plant. The company's second power plant is currently under construction at Sandersdorf-Brehna near Leipzig. With more than 1,720 employees, the company generated revenue of around 1.3 billion euros in 2023.

Press contact

Bernhard Schenk
Senior Communications Manager
E-mail: bernhard.schenk*Den Text zwischen den * loeschen, dies ist ein Spamschutz*@progroup.ag
Mobile: +49 172 315 8796

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